200 câu trắc nghiệm viết lại câu cho ôn thi THPT Quốc gia môn tiếng Anh (có đáp án)

Thứ năm - 15/06/2017 04:00
200 câu trắc nghiệm viết lại câu cho ôn thi THPT Quốc gia môn tiếng Anh (có đáp án)
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1.    He was sentenced to six months in prison for his part in therobbery
A.    He received a six months in prison for his part in therobbery.
B.    He received a six-month sentence for his part in therobbery.
C.    For his participation in the robbery, he had been in prison for sixmonths.
D.    For his participation in the robbery, a prison had been given to him for sixmonths.

2.    Madeleine wears high heels to looktaller.
A.    In order to look taller, Madeleine wears highheels.
B.    So that to look taller, Madeleine wears highheels.
C.    Madeleine wants high heels to make hertaller.
D.    Madeleine buys high heels to looktaller.

3.    He started learning French six yearsago.
A.    He has learned French for sixyears.
B.    It was six years ago did he start learningFrench.
C.    He hasn’t learnt French for sixyears.
D.    It is six years since he has learntFrench.

4.    People believed he won a lot of money on thelottery.
A.    He is believed that he won a lot of money on thelottery.
B.    He won a lot of money on the lottery, it isbelieved.
C.    He is believed to have won a lot of money on thelottery.
D.    He was believed to win a lot of money on thelottery.

5.    “Why don’t you get your hair cut, Gavin?” Said Adam.
A.    Adam advised Gavin to cut hishair.
B.    Gavin was suggested to have ahaircut.
C.    It was suggestible that Adam get Gavin’shaircut.
D.    Adam suggested that Gavin should have hishaircut.

6.    “Leave my house now or I’ll call the police!” shouted the lady to theman.
A.    The lady threatened to call the police if the man didn’t leave herhouse.
B.    The lady said that she would call the police if the man didn’t leave herhouse.
C.    The lady told the man that she would call the police if he didn’t leave herhouse.
D.    Theladyinformedthemanthatshewouldcallthepoliceifhedidn’tleaveherhouse

7.    “You should have finished the report by now” John told hissecretary.
A.    John reproached his secretary for not having finished thereport.
B.    John said that his secretary had not finished thereport.
C.    John reminded his secretary of finishing the report ontime.
D.    John scolded his secretary for not having finished thereport

8.    “I will pay back the money, Gloria.” Said Ivan.
A.    Ivan apologized to Gloria for borrowing hermoney.
B.    Ivan offered to pay Gloria the moneyback.
C.    Ivan promised to pay back Gloria’smoney.
D.    Ivan suggested paying back the money toGloria.

9.    The woman was too weak to lift thebasket.
A.    Although she was weak, she could lift thebasket.
B.    The woman shouldn't have lifted the basket because she was soweak.
C.    She was so weak that she couldn't lift thebasket.
D.    The woman lifted the basket, so she wasn't veryweak.

10."If I were you, I would take a break," Tom said to Daisy.
A.    Tom wanted to take a break withDaisy.
B.    Tom advised Daisy to take abreak.
C.    Tom suggested not taking abreak.
D.    Tom wanted to take a break, and so didDaisy.

11.    They got success since they took myadvice.
A.    They took my advice, andfailed.
B.    If they did not take my advice, they would not getsuccess.
C.    But for taking my advice, they would not have gotsuccess.
D.    My advice stopped them from gettingsuccess.

12.    I am very interested in the book you lent me lastweek.
A.    The book is interesting enough for you to lend me lastweek.
B.    It was the interesting book which you lent me lastweek.
C.    The book which you lent me last week is too interesting toread.
D.    The book that you lent me last week interests me a lot 

13.They did not let me in because I was not a member of theclub.
A.    They invited me although I was not a member of theclub.
B.    They did not allow me to enter because I was not a member of theclub.
C.    They invited me to the clubs as if I had been amember.
D.    They asked me to get out of the club because I was not amember.

14.    His eel soup is better than any other soups I have evereaten.
A.    Of all the soups I have ever eaten, his eel soup is thebest.
B.    I have ever eaten many soups that are better than his eelsoup.
C.    His eel soup is the worst of all soups I haveeaten.
D.    His eel soup is good but I have ever eaten many othersbetter.

15.    The last time I went to the museum was a yearago.
A.    I have not been to the museum for ayear.
B.    A year ago, I often went to themuseum.
C.    My going to the museum lasted ayear.
D.    At last I went to the museum after ayear

16.    They are not allowed to go out in the evening by theirparents.
A.    Their parents do not want them to go out in theevening.
B.    Their parents never let them to go out in theevening.
C.    Going out in the evening is permitted by theirparents.
D.    Although their parents do not allow, they still go out in theevening.

17.    This is the first time I attend such an enjoyable weddingparty.
A.    The first wedding party I attended wasenjoyable.
B.    I had the first enjoyable weddingparty.
C.    My attendance at the first wedding party wasenjoyable.
D.    I have never attended such an enjoyable wedding partybefore.

18.    I have not met her for threeyears.
A.    The last time I met her was three yearsago.
B.    It is three years when I will meether.
C.    I did not meet her three yearsago.
D.    During three years, I met heronce.

19."How beautiful is the dress you have just bought!" Peter said to Mary.
A.    Peter promised to buy Mary a beautifuldress.
B.    Peter said thanks to Mary for her beautifuldress.
C.    Peter complimented Mary on her beautifuldress.
D.    Peter asked Mary how she had just bought her beautifuldress.

20.    Barry continued to smoke even though we had advised him toquit.
A.    Barry took our advice so he stoppedsmoking.
B.    If we had advised Barry, he would have quitsmoking.
C.    Barry did not quit smoking because of ouradvice.
D.    Despite being told not to smoke, Barry continued todo.

21.    Many people think Steve stole themoney.
A.    It was not Steve who stole themoney.
B.    Steve is thought to have stolen themoney.
C.    Many people think the money is stolen bySteve.
D.    The money is thought to be stolenbySteve.
22.    Mary tried to keep calm although she was verydisappointed.
A.    Mary was too disappointed to keepcalm.
B.    Disappointed as she was, Mary tried to keepcalm.
C.    Mary lost her temper because of herdisappointment.
D.    Feeling disappointed, Mary tried to keep calm, but shefailed.

23.    Even though it was raining heavily, the explorers decided to continue theirjourney.
A.    It rained so heavily that the explorers could not continue theirjourney.
B.    The explorers put off their journey due to the heavyrain.
C.    The heavy rain could not prevent the explorers from continuing theirjourney.
D.    If it had rained heavily, the explorers would not have continued theirjourney.

24.    Housewives do not have to spend a lot of time doing housework anymore.
A.    Housework will never be done by housewives anymore.
B.    Housewives have to spend more and more time to dohousework.
C.    Never have housewives spent as much time doing housework as they donow.
D.    No longer do housewives have to spend a lot of time doinghousework.

25.    Because it was an interesting novel, I stayed up all night to finishit.
A.    I stayed up all night to finish the novel, therefore, it wasinteresting.
B.    Unless it were an interesting novel, I would stay up all night to finishit.
C.    Though it was an interesting novel, I stayed up all night to finishit.
D.    So interesting was the novel that I stayed up all night to finishit.

26.    He cannot afford a newcomputer.
A.    The new computer is so expensive that he cannot buyit.
B.    Therefore, he would buy a newcomputer.
C.    So, he would buy a newcomputer.
D.    The new computer is so expensive but he can buyit.

27.    The roads were slippery because it snowedheavily.
A.    It snowed too heavily to make the roadsslippery.
B.    The heavy snow prevented the roads from-beingslippery.
C.    Thanks to the slip of the roads, it snowedheavily.
D.    The heavy snow made the roadsslippery.

28.    I did not understand what the lecturer was saying because I had not read hisbook.
A.    What the lecturer wrote and said was too difficult for me tounderstand.
B.    The lecturer's book which I had not read was difficult tounderstand.
C.    I found it very difficult to understand what the lecturer said in hisbook.
D.    I would have understood what the lecturer was saying if I had read hisbook.
29.    Because they made too many mistakes, they failed in theexam
A.    They made very many mistakes that they failed in theexam
B.    They made too many mistake for them to fail in theexam
C.    They made so many mistakes that they failed in theexam
D.    They made such many mistakes that they failed in theexam

30.    She locked the door so as not to bedisturbed
A.    She locked the door in order that she wouldn’t bedisturbed
B.    She locked the door to be notdisturbed
C.    She locked the door for her not to bedisturbed
D.    She locked the door so that not to not to bedisturbed

31.    Fewer people came to the meeting than we hadexpected
A.    Too many people came to themeeting
B.    There were more people at the meeting than we hadexpected
C.    We had expected more people to come to themeeting
D.    There were not enough seats for all people as we hadexpected

32.    Nancy isn’t used to walking sofar
A.    Nancy used to walkfarther
B.    Nancy doesn’t like to walk sofar
C.    Nancy isn’t accustomed to walking veryfar
D.    Nancy needed help to walk sofar

33.    I do apologize for my forgetting yourbirthday
A.    I did forget yourbirthday
B.    I am really sorry I forgot yourbirthday
C.    I am not sorry at all because I remember yourbirthday
D.    I never apologize for my forgettingbirthday

34.    The coffee was not strong. It didn’t keep usawake
A.    The coffee was very strong, but it couldn’t keep usawake
B.    We were kept awake because the coffee wasstrong
C.    The coffee was not strong enough to keep usawake
D.    The coffee was so hot that it didn’t keep usawake

35.    The hostess made every effort to see that her guests got the foods and drinks theywanted
A.    The hostess tried hard to please herguests
B.    Neither The guests nor the hostess had the foods and drinks theywanted
C.    the guests refused the foods and drinks prepared by thehostess
D.    The hostess wasreluctant
36.    Jane hardly ever enjoyed eatingvegetables
A. She enjoyseatingvegetables           B. She has fun of growingvegetables
C. She almost nevereatsvegetables    D. She sells vegetables forliving

37.    Ann never wants to see another horrorfilm
A.    Ann hasn’t seen a horrorfilms
B.    Ann has enjoyed all horror films she hasseen
C.    Ann is tired of seeing all horrorfilms
D.    She is anxious not to miss the next horrorfilm

38.    I find it impossible not to worry aboutLan
A.    I can’t help feeling worried aboutLan
B.    I feel worried about Lan, but I can’t do anything tohelp
C.    I can’t do nothing to help Lan although I feel worried abouther
D.    I’m unable to worry aboutLan

39.    You’d better take a taxi; it was raining hardoutside
A.    You’d better take a taxi in case it wasraining
B.    She advised us to take a taxi because it was rainingoutside
C.    She gave us a lift because it was rainingheavily
D.    She didn’t lend us any raincoats but ataxi

40.    My brother and I go to thatschool
A.    I went to that school and my brother,too
B.    I went to that school and so my brotherdid
C.    I went to that school and so did mybrother
D.    I went to that school and so my brother did,too

41.    The meeting was put off because of pressure oftime
A.    There were not enough time to hold themeeting
B.    people wanted to get away, so the meeting beganearly
C.    The meeting was planned to start in a shorttime
D.    The meeting lasted much longer thanusual

42.    When they arrived, the good seats were alreadytaken
A.    They didn’t get good seats because they arrived toolate
B.    They arrived late enough to get goodseats
C.    They had to stand for the wholeshow
D.    We couldn’t get good seats although we arrived early

43.They would never have accepted his money if they had known hisplans
A.    They knew what he wanted to do, so they refused hismoney
B.    They agreed with his wishes because they were glad to have hismoney
C.    They didn’t know his plans and never took money fromhim
D.    They took the money he offered them without realizing hispurpose

44.    He could not afford to buy the car
A.    He couldn’t buy the car because it was tooexpensive
B.    He bought the car because it wasexpensive
C.    He bought the car though it wasexpensive
D.    He had enough money but he didn’t buy thecar

45.    Tam is not good at English and neither am I
A. Neither Tam nor I am goodat English    B. Either Tam or I am good atEnglish
C. I’m not as good at English asTamis      D. Tam isn’t good at English but Iam

46.    I’m always nervous when I travel by air
A.    I feel safe when I travel by air
B.    I’ve never travel buy because some times feel nervous
C.    Travelling by air always makes me nervous
D.    I always feel nervous, so I never travel byair

47.“Let’s go on a walking today?”, said Trang
A. Jane suggested going onawalking    B. Jane wanted us to going on awalking
C. Jane suggested to go onawalking    D. Jane allow us to go on awalking

48.“ I’m sorry I have to leave so early” he said
A. He apologized for having to leave early
B. He apologize that he has to leave early
B. He apologizes for having to leave early
A. He apologize for having to leave early
A. He apologize of having to leave early

49.“Why don’t you put a better lock on the door?" said John.
A.    John suggested to put a better lock on the door.
B.    John asked why not putting a better lock on the door.
C.    John suggested putting a better lock on the door.
D.    John made us put a better lock on the door.

50.    Although his legs were broken, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded.
A.    Despite his legs to be broken, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded.
B.    Despite his broken legs, he was able to get out of the car before exploding.
C.    Despite his legs were broken, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded.
D.    Despite his broken legs, he was able to get out of the car before it exploded.

51.    I havent eaten this kind of food before.
A.    This is the first time I"ve eaten this kind offood.
B.    I haven"t eaten this kind of food already.
C.    This is the first kind of food I have eaten.
D.    Even before I have not eaten this kind offood.

52.    After fighting the fire for 12 hours, the firemen succeeded in putting itout.
A.    The firemen managed in vain to put the fire out after a 12-hourfight.
B.    Fighting the fire for 12 hours, the firemen were able to put itout.
C.    The firemen wasted 12 hours putting the fireout.
D.    Fighting the fire for 12 hours, the fire was putout.

53.    The architect has drawn plans for an extension to the house.
A.    Plans have been drawn for an extension to the house by thearchitect.
B.    The house has had its plans for an extension drawn by thearchitect.
C.    Plans for an extension to the house have been drawn by thearchitect.
D.    The architect has had the plans drawn for an extension to thehouse.

54.    I don"t have enough money with me now; otherwise I would buy that coat.
A.    If I didn"t have enough money with me now, I would buy tha tcoat.
B.    If I had enough money with me now, I would buy that coat.
C.    If I had enough money with me now, I wouldn"t buy that coat.
D.    If I didn"t have enough money now, I wouldn"t buy that coat.

55.    That expression on his face has some meaning.
A.    That expression on his face is meaning less.
B.    That expression on his face means.
C.    That expression on his face is mean.
D.    That expression on his face is meaningful.

56.    She is too weak; she can"t sit up and talk to you.
A.    If she weren"t too weak, she could sit up and talk to you.
B.    If she hadn"t been too weak, she could sit up and talk to you.
C.    If she isn"t too weak, she can sit up and talk to you.
D.    If she wasn"t too weak, she can sit up and talk to you.

57.    Bad habits can do harm to our health.
A.    Bad habits cannot be harmful to our health.
B.    Bad habits can be harmful to our health. 
C.    Bad habits can be harmless to our health.
D.    Bad habits can be harmful with our health.

58.    The scientists succeeded in finding a vaccine for that disease.
A.    The scientists were able to find a vaccine for that disease.
B.    The scientists were finding a vaccine for that disease.
C.    The scientists should have found a vaccine for that disease.
D.    The scientists couldn"t find a vaccine for that disease.

59.    If you are not careful, you will cut yourself with that knife.
A.    Unless you are careful, you will cut yourself with that knife.
B.    If you are careful, you will cut yourself with that knife.
C.    Unless you are not careful, you will cut yourself with that knife.
D.    Unless you were careful, you will cut yourself with that knife.

60.    Because he doesn’t leave immediately, I call a policeman.
A.    If he left immediately, I wouldn’t call a policeman.
B.    If he leaves immediately, I won’t call a policeman.
C.    Unless he leaves immediately, I will call a policeman.
D.    Unless he leaves immediately, I won’t call a policeman.

61.    Today isn’t Sunday, so the pupils can’t go swimming.
A.    If today were Sunday, the pupils could go swimming.
B.    If today is Sunday, the pupils could go swimming.
C.    The pupils could go swimming unless today is Sunday.
D.    The pupils could not go swimming if today isn’t Sunday.

62.    Stop talking or you won’t understand the lesson.
A.    If you don’t stop talking, you won’t understand the lesson.
B.    If you don’t stop talking, you wouldn’t understand the lesson.
C.    If you hadn’t stopped talking, you wouldn’t understand the lesson.
D.    If you hadn’t stopped talking, you wouldn’t have understood the lesson.

63.    If the homework is difficult, I will ask you forhelp.
A.    Unless the homework is easy, I will ask you forhelp.
B.    Unless the homework is difficult, I will ask you forhelp.
C.    Unless the homework is easy, I won’t ask you forhelp.
D.    Unless the homework isn’t difficult, I won’t ask you forhelp.

64.    I’ll let you borrow the book but you must promise to return it next week.
A.    If you promise to return the book, I let you borrowit.
B.    If you promised to return the book, I’ll let you borrowit. 
C.    If you promise to return the book next week, I’ll let you borrowit.
D.    If you promise to return the book next week, I won’t let you borrowit.

65.    You should clean this room every day.
A.    This room should be cleaned every day.
B.    This room should been cleaned every day.
C.    This room should clean every day.
D.    This room should be clean every day.

66.    People must not leave bicycles in the hall.
A.    Bicycles must not be left in the hall.
B.    Bicycles in the hall must not being left.
C.    Bicycles in the hall must notleft.
D.    Bicycles must been not left in the hall.

67.    They cancelled all flights because offog.
A.    All flights were cancelled because offog.
B.    All flights because of fog were cancelled.
C.    All flights were because of fog cancelled.
D.    All flights were cancelled by them because offog.

68. People should send their complaints to the head office.
A.    Complaints should be sent to the headoffice.
B.    Complaints should be send to the head office bypeople.
C.    Their complaints should send to the head office bypeople.
D.    Their complaints to the head office should besent.

68.    Nobody told me that George wasill.
A.    I wasn’t told that Georgewas ill.    
B. I was told that George wasn’till.
C.    George wasn’t told tobeill.            
D. George was told not to beill.

69.    They are building a new high way around the city.
A.    A new high way is being built around the city.
B.    A new high way is been built around the city.
C.    A new high way around the city is being built.
D.    Around the city a new high way is being built.

70.    They didn’t offer Ann the job.
A.    Ann wasn’t offeredthejob.            
B. The job wasn’t offered Ann bythem.
C.    Ann wasn’t offered themthejob.    
D. Ann was offered the jobbythem

71. Somebody might have stolen your car. 
A.    Your car might have been stolen
B.    Somebody might have been stolen your car.
C.    Your car might be stolen.
D.    Your car might have be stolen by some body.

72.    They think that the owner of the house has goneabroad.
A.    The owner of the house is thought to goabroad.
B.    The owner of the house is thought to have been goingabroad.
C.    The owner of the house is thought to have been goneabroad.
D.    The owner of the house is thought to have goneabroad.

73.    She started work three monthsago.
A.    It is three months since she startedwork.
B.    She had been working for threemonths.
C.    She is working here for three monthsnow.
D.    It’s three months that she workedfor.

74.    My career as a teacher began 14 yearsago.
A.    I have started teaching for 14 yearsnow.
B.    For 14 years have I been ateacher.
C.    I was a teacher for 14years.
D.    I have been a teacher for 14 yearsnow.

75.    It has always been my ambition to become a famousartist.
A.    I want to become a famous artist as soon aspossible.
B.    Always in my life do I want to become a famousartist.
C.    I have always dreamt of becoming a famousartist.
D.    Dreaming of becoming a famous artist, I always have thatambition.

76.    As soon as I receive my result, I will phoneyou.
A.    I will ring you the moment I receive myresult.
B.    Sooner or later after I receive my result. I will give you aring.
C.    After receiving my result, I will callyou.
D.    I will make a phone call to you when I get myresult.

77.    When I was a young girl, chocolate was one of myfavourites.
A.    When very young, I like eating chocolatecakes.
B.    Chocolate used to be a favorite of mine when I was a younggirl.
C.    My favourite was chocolate as was a littlegirl.
D.    Being a little girl, I likechocolate.

78.    I haven’t seen my aunt foryears.
A.    I haven’t meet my aunt for longago.
B.    The last time I met my aunt was since yearsago.
C.    I last saw my aunt yearsago.
D.    I didn’t see my aunt yearsago.

79. “Would you like to stay for dinner?” she asked me.
A.    She asked me if I liked to stay fordinner.
B.    She invited me to stay fordinner.
C.    She offered medinner.
D.    She was very kind to offer medinner.

80. “If I were you, I wouldn’t go. ” he said.
A. He advised meagainst going.    
B. He told me to stay withhim.
C. He asked me nottogo.    
D. He advised me never togo.

81. “Mum, please don’t tell Dad my mistake!” the boy said.
A.    The boy insisted his mother not tell his father hismistake.
B.    The boy told his mother not to mention his mistake anymore.
C.    The boy asked his mother not to tell his father hismistake.
D.    The boy wanted his mother to keep his mistake in herheart.

82.  Chuck denied breaking thewindow.
A.    Chuck refused to break thewindow.
B.    Chuck said that he hadn’t broken thewindow.
C.    Chuck didn’t break thewindow.
D.    Chuck was determined not to break thewindow.

83. “Have you ever been to Japan?” he asked me.
A.    He told me if I had gone toJapan.
B.    He wanted to know whether had I been toJapan.
C.    He ed me if Japan was visited byme.
D.    He asked me if I had ever been toJapan.

84. “I’m sorry I forgot your birthday. ” Harry told Mary.
A.    Harry said sorry to Mary for forgetting herbirthday.
B.    Harry felt sorry to forget Mary’sbirthday.
C.    Harry apologized Mary for having forgotten herbirthday.
D.    Harry really felt a pity not to remember Mary’sbirthday.

85.“Let’s go to the cinema tonight. ” he suggested.
A.    He suggested they to go to the cinema thatnight.
B.    He suggested going to the cinema thatnight.
C.    He suggested that they went to the cinema thatnight.
D.    He suggested that let’s them go to the cinema thatnight.

86. “What’s your job?”, said the doctor to Mr. Thomas.
A.    The doctor asked Mr. Thomas what his jobwas.
B.    The doctor asked Mr. Thomas what his jobis.
C.    The doctor asked Mr. Thomas what was hisjob.
D.    The doctor asked Mr. Thomas what is hisjob.

87.    It’s possible that we won’t go camping thisweekend.
A.    We will probably go camping thisweekend.
B.    We will not go camping thisweekend.
C.    We may not go camping thisweekend.
D.    We must not go camping thisweekend.

88.    I think it’s necessary to tell Tim about it atonce.
A.    Tim may be told about it atonce.
B.    Tim should be told about it atonce.
C.    Tim must be told about it atonce.
D.    Tim might be told about it atonce.

89.    It is essential that we meet him at theairport.
A.    He must be met at theairport.
B.    He might be met at theairport.
C.    He should be met at theairport.
D.    He may be met at theairport.

90.    It’s very likely that the company will accept hisapplication.
A.    The company needs accept hisapplication.
B.    The company might/ may accept hisapplication.
C.    The company must accept hisapplication.
D.    The company should accept hisapplication.

91.    Every student is required to write an essay on thetopic.
A.    Every student might write an essay on thetopic.
B.    Every student must write an essay on thetopic.
C.    They require every student write an essay on thetopic.
D.    Every student should write an essay on thetopic.

92.    It isn’t necessary for us to get a visa forSingapore.
A.    We needn’t get a visa forSingapore.
B.    We mustn’t get a visa forSingapore. 
C.    We mayn’t get a visa forSingapore.
D.    We shouldn’t get a visa forSingapore.

93.  The girl just said hello. She is Tom’s youngestsister.
A.    The girl who just said hello is Tom’s youngestsister.
B.    The girl saying hello is Tom’s youngestsister.
C.    The girl just said hello is Tom’s youngestsister.
D.    The girl, who just said hello, is Tom’s youngestsister.

94.   I’m waiting for the bus. It islate.
A.    The bus which I’m waiting islate.
B.    The bus whom I’m waiting for islate.
C.    The bus for that I’m waiting islate.
D.    The bus I’m waiting for islate.

95.  This house was built years ago. It is still in very goodshape.
A.    This house, which built years ago, is still in very goodshape.
B.    This house, built years ago, is still in very goodshape.
C.    This house, building years ago, is still in very goodshape.
D.    This house, which was built years ago is still in very goodshape.

96.    The people watched the game. None of them will ever forgetit.
A.    None of the people that watched the game will ever forgetit.
B.    The people watched the game none of whom will ever forgetit.
C.    Nobody that watched the game will ever forgetit.
D.    Both A and C arecorrect.

97.    Quang is very good at drawing. His father is a famouspainter.
A.    Quang whose father is a famous painter is very good atdrawing.
B.    Quang, whose father is a famous painter is very good atdrawing.
C.    Quang, whose father is a famous painter, is very good atdrawing.
D.    Quang’s father, who is a famous painter, is very good atdrawing.

98.  That’s the man. I told you about himyesterday.
A.    That’s the man about whom I told youyesterday.
B.    That’s the man whom I told youyesterday.
C.    That’s the man about that I told youyesterday.
D.    That’s the man I told youyesterday.

99.  He drives more carelessly than he usedto.
A.    He doesn’t drive as carefully as he usedto.
B.    He doesn’t drive carefully than he usedto.
C.    He doesn’t drive as carefully than he usedto.
D.    He doesn’t drive as carefully hedoes.

100. Noone in our club can speak English as fluently asMai.
A.    Mai speaks English more fluently than noone in ourclub.
B.    Mai is the worst English speaker in ourclub.
C.    Mai speaks English as fluently as other people in ourclub.
D.    Mai speaks English the most fluently in ourclub.

101. The sooner you stop smoking cigarettes the better you’llfeel.
A.    As soon as you feel better, you’ll try to stopsmoking.
B.    You feel so much better since he stoppedsmoking.
C.    Though you feel better, you stillsmoke.
D.    When you stop smoking, you’ll begin to feelbetter.

102.  Noone in the class is taller thanDave.
A.    Dave is the tallest student in theclass.
B.    Dave is taller student in theclass.
C.    Dave is the taller student in theclass.
D.    Dave is tallest student in theclass.

103.  The crowd became increasingly angry at the longdelay.
A.    The crowd became very angry because the delay was solong.
B.    The more increasingly the crowd became, the longer the delaywas.
C.    The longer the delay was, the angrier the crowdbecame.
D.    The more the crowd became angry at the delay, the longer theyfeel.

104. In spite of all our efforts, we failed in the finalmatch.
A.    Although we tried very hard, we failed in the finalmatch.
B.    We made all our efforts so that we could gain success in the finalmatch.
C.    Whatever efforts we had made, we weren’t able to win in the finalmatch.
D.    We failed in the final match as a result of all our greatefforts.

105. Although old-age pensions have risen considerably, they haven’t kept pace with the costof living.
A.    The cost of living is so high that they couldn’t keep withit.
B.    Despite the fact that old-age pensions have risen considerably, the cost ofliving isn’t goingdown.
C.    Old-age pensions may have risen considerably, but they haven’t kept pacewith thecost ofliving.
D.    The cost of living hasn’t been kept with no matter how high the old-age pensions are.
106.  Despite his inexperience in the field, John applied for thejob.
A.    John was unable to do the job because he wasinexperienced.
B.    John applied for the job because he has experience in thefield.
C.    John did not apply for the job because of his inexperience in thefield.
D.    John applied for the job even though he has no experience in thefield.

107.  In spite of heavy rain, my brother went towork.
A.    In spite it rained heavily, my brother went towork.
B.    Although it rained heavily, my brother went towork.
C.    Despite it rained heavily, my brother went towork.
D.    Although of heavy rain, my brother went towork.

108. Mr. Pike gets old so he often feels tired. Thissentencemeans:
A.    When Mr. Pike gets old, he will feeltired.
B.    Although Mr Pike gets old, he often feelstired.
C.    The older Mr. Pike gets, the more often he feelstired.
D.    Mr Pike likes to get old so that he often feelstired.

109.    I suggest turning off the air-conditioner. Thissentencemeans:
A.    Do you mind if I turn off the air-conditioner?
B.    Do you have someone turn off theair-conditioner?
C.    Do you have the air-conditioner turnoff?
D.    Do you delay turning off theair-conditioner?

110.    How long haven't you seen Peter? Thissentencemeans:
A.    When are you going to seePeter?
B.    When will you and Peter see each otheragain?
C.    When did you last seePeter?
D.    When haven’t you seenPeter?

111.    Although she was very old, she looked very grateful.[grateful:thankful/pleasant]
A.    Despite she was very old, she looked verygrateful.
B.    Despite her old age, she looked verygrateful.
C.    In spite of very old, she looked verygrateful.
D.    In spite her being old, she looked verygrateful.

112.    My workmates find fault with everything I do. Thissentencemeans:    .[findfault:discovermistake]
A.    Whatever Ido, my workmates will find fault with me.
B.    Whatever everything I do, my workmates will find fault withme.
C.    Everything I do, my workmates will find fault withme.
D.    Ido everything though my workmates will find fault with me.

113.    Thedoctorrecommended    . [also:suggest, demand, propose, order, advise,request,ask,insist,urge…]
A.    my father that to eat more fish and not to drinkwine
B.    my father that eating more fish and no drinkingwine
C.    that my father eat more fish and not drinkwine
D.    that my father eating more fish and no drinkingwine

114.    It's impossible to cross the road because of the traffic. - Which sentence expresses thesame idea?
A.    The traffic makes people be impossible to cross theroad.
B.    The traffic makes everyone impossible to cross theroad.
C.    The traffic makes it impossible to cross theroad.
D.    The traffic makes it be impossible to cross theroad.

115.    I would prefer you not to smoke in here. - Which sentence expresses the same idea asthe above?
A.    I'd rather you didn't smoke inhere.
B.    I'd rather you shouldn't smoke inhere.
C.    I'd rather you not to smoke inhere.
D.    I'd rather you don't smoke inhere.

116.    Having been servedlunch,    
A.    the problem was discussed by the members of thecommittee.
B.    it was discussed by the committee members theproblem
C.    the committee members discussed theproblem.
D.    a discussion of the problem was made by the members of thecommittee.

117.    The chairmanrequestedthat    .
A.    the members studied more carefully theproblem
B.    the members study the problem morecarefully
C.    with more carefulness the problem could bestudied
D.    the problem was more carefulnesslystudied

118.    “I was not there at the time. ” Which sentence express the same idea as theabove?
A.    He denied that there at thetime.
B.    He denied being there at thetime.
C.    Hedeniednotbeingtherethereatthetime.
D.    he denied that he wasn’t there at thetime.

119.    “Where are you spending your holidays?” Janet asked us. In Reported Speech this sentence shouldread
A.    Janet asked us that where we were spending ourholidays.
B.    Janet asked us where were we spending ourholidays
C.    Janet asked us where you were spending yourholidays
D.    Janet asked us where we were spending ourholidays

120.    I usually drive to work, but today I go by bus. Which sentence express the same idea as the above?
A.    Although I can drive to work, I go by bus today.
B.    Although I can go by bus, I drive to work today.
C.    Instead of driving to work, I go by bus today.
D.    Instead of going by bus, I drive to work today.

121.    The police started investigating the case a week ago. Which sentence express the same idea as theabove?
A.    The police have investigated the case for aweek.
B.    The police has investigated the case for aweek.
C.    The police have investigated the case since aweek.
D.    The police has investigated the case for a week.

Immediately, after his arrival, things went wrong. Which sentence express the same idea as the

A.    When he was arriving, things wentwrong
B.    Because he arrived, things still wentwrong
C.    No longer did he arrive, but things still wentwrong
D.    No sooner had he arrived that things wentwrong

122.    The train should be here any minute now. Which sentence express the same idea as theabove?
A.    We are expecting the train to arrivesoon.
B.    We are surprised that the train has not arrivedyet.
C.    We know that the train is ontime.
D.    We know that the train is rarelylate.

123.    The meeting was put off because of pressure of time. We understand from this sentencethat
A.    People wanted to get away, so the meeting beganearly.
B.    There was not enough time to hold themeeting.
C.    the meeting is planned to start in a shorttime.
D.    The meeting lasted much longer thanusual.

124.    All right, Jenny, you may pay for the coffee if you insist. We understand from this sentencethat
A.    It’s Jenny duty to payfor the coffee.
B.    Jenny would pay if she had enoughmoney.
C.    Jenny is being asked to pay for thecoffee.
D.    Jenny wants to pay for thecoffee.

125.    He kept it only because nobody else had wanted it. Which sentence express the same idea asthe above?
A.    He would have kept it if nobody else had want edit
B.    He would have kept it if anybody else want edit
C.    He wouldn’t have kept it if anybody else want edit
D.    He wouldn’t have kept it if anybody else had want edit.

126.    The woman was too weak to lift the basket. Choose the sentence nearest in meaning tothis sentence
A.    She was so weak that she couldn’t lift thebasket
B.    The woman shouldn’t have lift the basket because she was soweak.
C.    Although she was very weak, she could lift thebasket
D.    The woman lift the basket, so she wasn’t veryweak.

127.    The thief wore gloves so as to avoid leaving anyfingerprints.
A.    The thief wore gloves so as to not leave anyfingerprints.
B.    The thief wore gloves so that not leave anyfingerprints.
C.    The thief wore gloves in order not to leave anyfingerprints.
D.    The thief wore gloves in order to not leave anyfingerprints.

128.    “Don’t forget to phone the office”, shesaid
A.    She reminded him not forget to phone theoffice.
B.    She reminded him to forget not to phone theoffice.
C.    She reminded him to phone theoffice.
D.    She reminded him about phoning theoffice.

129.    It is believed that the man escaped in a stolencar.
A.    The man is believed to be escaped in a stolencar.
B.    The man is believed to have escaped in a stolencar.
C.    Themanwasbelievedtobeescapedinastolencar.
D.    They believed that the man stole thecar.

130.    She started learning English ten yearsago.
A.    She has not learnt Englishbefore.
B.    She has learnt English since tenyears.
C.    She has started learning English for tenyears.
D.    She has learnt English for tenyears.

131.    They spent a lot of money on food andclothes.
A.    A lot of money was spent on food andclothes.
B.    A lot of money were spent on food andclothes.
C.    A lot of money on food and clothes werespent.
D.    Money was spent a lot on food andclothes.

132.    “Leave my house now or I’ll call the police!” shouted the lady to theman.
A.    The lady threatened to call the police if the man didn’t leave herhouse.
B.    The lady said that she would call the police if the man didn’t leave herhouse.
C.    The lady told the man that she would call the police if he didn’t leave herhouse.
D.    The lady informed the man that she would call the police if he didn’t leaveher house.

133.    He last had his eyes tested ten monthsago.
A.    He had tested his eyes ten monthsago.
B.    He had not tested his eyes for ten monthsthen.
C.    He hasn’t had his eyes tested for tenmonths.
D.    He didn’t have any test on his eyes in tenmonths.

134.    “You should have finished the report by now,” John told hissecretary.
A.    John reproached his secretary for not having finished thereport.
B.    John said that his secretary had not finished thereport.
C.    John reminded his secretary of finishing the report ontime.
D.    John scolded his secretary for not having finished thereport.

135.    “If I were you, I would take the job,” said myroom-mate.
A.    My room-mate was thinking about taking thejob.
B.    My room-mate advised me to take thejob.
C.    My room-mate introduced the idea of taking the job tome.
D.    My room-mate insisted on taking the job forme.

136.    “It’s too stuffy in this room, isn’t it?” said theguest.
A.    The guest suggested that the room should beaired.
B.    The guest remarked that the room should beaired.
C.    The guest said that the room was toocrowded.
D.    The guest said that there was too much stuff in theroom.

137.    “Cigarette?” he asked. “No, thanks.” Isaid.
A.    He asked for a cigarette, and I immediatelyrefused.
B.    He mentioned a cigarette, so I thankedhim.
C.    He offered me a cigarette, so I promptlydeclined.
D.    He asked if I was smoking, and I denied atonce.

138.    The doctor said, “You really ought to rest for a few days,Jasmine.”
A.    Jasmine’s doctor insisted that she should rest for a fewdays.
B.    The doctor suggested that Jasmine should take a shortrest.
C.    It is the doctor’s recommendation that Jasmine restedshortly.
D.    the doctor strongly advised Jasmine to take a few days’rest.

139.    “I will pay back the money, Gloria.” SaidIvan.
A.    Ivan apologised to Gloria for borrowing hermoney.
B.    Ivan offered to pay Gloria the moneyback.
C.    Ivan promised to pay back Gloria’smoney.
D.    Ivan suggested paying back the money toGloria.

140.    The children couldn’t do swimming because the sea was toorough.
A.    The children were not calm enough to swim in thesea.
B.    The sea was rough enough for the children to swimin.
C.    The sea was too rough for the children to goswimming.
D.    the sea was too rough to the children’sswimming.

141.    “Would you like to come to my birthday party, Sarha?” askedFrederic.
A.    Frederic invited Sarha to his birthdayparty.
B.    Frederic asked if Sarha was able to come to his birthdayparty.
C.    Frederic asked Sarha if she likes his brithday party ornot.
D.    Frederic reminded Sarha of his coming birthdayparty.

142.    opinion/ election/fair
A.    My opinion was fair about theelection.
B.    In my opinion, I think the election wasfair.
C.    According to my opinion, the election wasfair.
D.    In my opinion, the election wasfair.

143.    you/ really/ be/ able/ dress/ yourself/age
A.    You must really be able of dressing yourself in yourage.
B.    You should really be able to dress yourself at yourage!
C.    You have really been able of dressing yourself by yourage.
D.    You are really able of dressing yourself thisage!

144.    provide/ your handwriting/ legible/ test scorer/ accept/ youranswer
A.    Providing your handwriting is legible, the test scorer does not accept youranswer.
B.    Provided for your legible handwriting, the test scorer has to accept youranswer.
C.    Provided that your handwriting is legible, your answer will be accepted by anytest scorer answer.
D.    Providing with  your legible handwriting, every test scorer must acceptyour
145.    imagine/ who/ happen/ run into/ yesterday/just
A.    You imagine just who happened to run into usyesterday!
B.    Have you just imagined who happened to run into meyesterday?
C.    Could you imagine who just happened to run into usyesterday?
D.    Just imagine who I happened to run intoyesterday!

146.    Jack/ recover/ quickly/ his seriousillness
A.    Jack was recovered very quickly from his seriousillness.
B.    Jack has recovered quite quickly from his seriousillness.
C.    Jack will recover quite quickly after his seriousillness.
D.    Jack recovered more quickly over his seriousillness.

147.    be/ clear/ what/ expect/you
A.    Are you clear about yourexpectation?
B.    Are you clear what is expected of you todo?
C.    Are you expectationsclear?
D.    Are you clear what is expected ofyou?

148.    hilltop/ have/ good/ view/ ourvillage
A.    The hilltop can make our village viewsbetter.
B.    From the hilltop, our village can be wellviewed.
C.    From the hilltop, we can have a better view of ourvillage.
D.    From the hilltop, our village can have a betterview.

149.    students/ remember/ deadline for entries/ finaltest
A.    All the students surely remember the deadline for entries for the finaltest.
B.    All the students must remember well the deadline for entries for the finaltest.
C.    All the students should remember clearly the deadline for entries for the finaltest.
D.    All of the students can certainly remember the deadline for entries for the finaltest.

150.    man/ sentence/ 15 years/ prison/ he/ prove/guilty
A.    The man will get a sentence for himself to 15 years in prison if he proveshimself guilty himself guilty
B.    The man was sentenced about 15 years in prison and proved himselfguilty.
C.    The man was sentenced to 15 years in prison because he had been provedguilty.
D.    The man should make his final sentence after 15 years in prison as heproved
151.    school-leavers/ choose/ college/ employment/immediate
A.    School-leavers can choose either college or immediateemployment.
B.    School-leavers can make a choice among college and employmentimmediately.
C.    School-leavers can choose either college and employmentimmediately.
D.    School-leavers can make an immediate choice of neither college noremployment.

152.    My mother never allows me to go out alone atnight.
a.    I was not allowed to go out alone atnight.
b.    My mother never lets me go out alone atnight.
c.    My mother never goes out alone atnight.
d.    I usually go out with my mother atnight.

153.    We haven’t been to the concert for twoyears.
a.    We never used to go to theconcert.
b.    It’s two years since we went to theconcert.
c.    We didn’t go to the concert two yearsago.
d.    We are used to going to theconcert.

154.    Although they were very poor, the children seemedhappy.
a.    The children seemed unhappy because they were verypoor.
b.    The children were very poor, so they seemedhappy.
c.    Despite their poverty, the children seemedhappy.
d.    The children seemed happy whether they were poor orrich.

155.    He used to travel around thecountry.
a.    He liked travelling around thecountry.
b.    He no longer travels around thecountry.
c.    He is used to travelling around thecountry.
d.    He never travelled around thecountry.

156.    Don’t forget to go to the supermarket afterwork.
a.    He requested me not forget to go to the supermarket afterwork.
b.    He asked me not to go to the supermarket afterwork.
c.    He told me that I shouldn’t go to the supermarket afterwork.
d.    He reminded me to go to the supermarket afterwork.

157.    English is more international than any other languages in the world.
a.    English is the most international language in theworld.
b.    English is the most international as any language in theworld.
c.    English is not as international as any language in theworld.
d.    English is not the most international language in theworld.

158.    Whose car is this?
a.    Whom does this car belong?
b.    Who belongs to this car?
c.    Who does this car belongto?
d.    Whose does this car belongto?

159.    I would like you to help me do this Englishexercise.
a.    Do you mind to help me do this Englishexercise?
b.    Do you mind helping me do this Englishexercise?
c.    Would you like helping me do this Englishexercise?
d.    Would you mind me doing this Englishexercise?

160.    John doesn’t play tennis. Neither doesDavid.
a.    Neither John nor David doesn’t playtennis.
b.    Neither John nor David playtennis.
c.    Neither John nor David playstennis.
d.    Either John or David playstennis.

161.    The last person who leaves the room must turn off thelights.
a.    The last person to leave the room must turn off thelights.
b.    The last person to turn off the lights must leave theroom.
c.    The last person to be left the room must turn off thelights.
d.    The last person leave the room must turn off thelights.

162.    My father no longer smokescigarettes.
a.    No longer does my father smokescigarettes.
b.    No longer my father smokescigarettes.
c.    No longer does my father smokecigarettes.
d.    No longer my father does smokecigarettes.

163.    They don’t usually drinkwine.
a.    They are not usually used to drinkingwine.
b.    They are not used to usually drinkingwine.
c.    They are not used to drinkingwine.
d.    They are not used to drinkwine.

164.    Although the weather changed, the picnic went ahead asplanned.
a.    In spite the change in the weather, the picnic went ahead asplanned.
b.    In spite of the weather changed, the picnic went ahead asplanned.
c.    In spite the change in the weather, the picnic went ahead asplanned.
d.    In spite of changing the weather, the picnic went ahead asplanned.

165.    It is more difficult to learn to speak English than to learn to writeit.
a.    Learning to speak English is more difficult than to learn to writeit.
b.    Learning to speak English is as difficult as learning to writeit.
c.    Learning to speak English is more difficult than learning to writeit.
d.    Learning to speak English is not so difficult as learning to writeit.

166.    They built the school in1990.
a.    The school was being built in1990.
b.    The school was built in1990.
c.    The school was building in1990.
d.    The school which was built in1990.

167.    The house with the white wall is myuncle’s.
a.    The house whose wall is white is myuncle.
b.    The house where wall is white is myuncle’s.
c.    The house which wall is white is myuncle’s.
d.    The house whose wall is white belongs to myuncle.

168.    They worked very hard in spite of their oldage.
a.    Despite they were old, they worked veryhard.
b.    Although they were old, they worked veryhard.
c.    Though they were old age, they worked veryhard.
d.    Even though they old, they worked veryhard.

169.    The last student who was interviewed wasJohn.
a.    The last student to be interviewed wasJohn.
b.    The last student to interview wasJohn.
c.    The last student was John to beinterviewed.
d.    The last student interviewing wasJohn.

170.    Jill hasn’t seen this movie before. Neither have herparents.
a.    Either Jill or her parents have seen this moviebefore.
b.    Both Jill and her parents have seen this moviebefore.
c.    Neither Jill nor her parents have seen this moviebefore.
d.    Jill with her parents has seen this moviebefore.

171.    I don’t find it difficult to get up early in themorning.
a.    I am used to get up early in themorning.
b.    I am used to finding it difficult to get up early in themorning.
c.    I used to to get up early in themorning.
d.    I am used to getting up early in themorning.

172.    Larry didn’t buy the shirt because she didn’t have enoughmoney.
a.    If Larry hadn’t had enough money, she wouldn’t have bought theshirt.
b.    If Larry had had enough money, she would have bought theshirt.
c.    If Larry had had enough money, she would buy theshirt.
d.    If Larry had enough money, she would have bought theshirt.

173.    My father often walks in the park with my mother everymorning.
a.    My father often has a walk in the park with my mother everymorning.
b.    My father often has walked in the park with my mother everymorning.
c.    My father often has walk in the park with my mother everymorning.
d.    My father often has had a walk in the park with my mother everymorning.

174.    They seldom went to the cinema lastyear.
a.    Seldom did they went to the cinema lastyear.
b.    Seldom they went to the cinema lastyear.
c.    Seldom did they go to the cinema lastyear.
d.    Seldom do they go to the cinema lastyear.

175.    We didn’t intend to go for a walk withthem.
a.    We had not intention of going for a walk withthem.
b.    We had no intention to go for a walk withthem.
c.    We had no tendency to go for a walk withthem.
d.    We had no intention of going for a walk withthem.

176.    “Did you phone me yesterday?” Tom said toMary.
a.    Tom asked Mary if she phoned himyesterday.
b.    Tom asked Mary that she had phoned him the daybefore.
c.    Tom asked Mary if she had phoned him the previousday.
d.    Tom asked Mary if he had phoned her the daybefore.

177.    John missed the ferry because his car brokedown.
a.    If John’s car hadn’t broken down, he wouldn’t have missed theferry.
b.    If John’s car had broken down, he would have missed theferry.
c.    If John’s car broke down, he would miss theferry.
d.    If John hadn’t missed the ferry, his car wouldn’t have brokendown.

178.    They knocked down the old house on the corner lastyear.
a.    The old house on the corner were knocked down lastyear.
b.    The corner was knocked down by the old house lastyear.
c.    The old house on the corner was knocked down lastyear.
d.    The old house was on the corner knocked down lastyear.

179.    Would you like to go out for adrink?
a.    Do you feel like to go out for adrink?
b.    Do you feel to go out for adrink?
c.    Do you feel liking to go out for adrink?
d.    Do you feel like going out for adrink?

180.    He was tired, but he agreed to playtennis.
a.    Although he was tired, but he agreed to playtennis.
b.    Because he was tired, he agreed to playtennis.
c.    In spite of his tiredness, he agreed to playtennis.
d.    Despite tired, he agreed to playtennis.

181.    We can avoid waiting by booking the tickets inadvance.
a.    If we book the tickets in advance, we won’t have towait.
b.    We can avoid waiting even though we book the tickets inadvance.
c.    We can wait because we book the tickets inadvance.
d.    We can avoid waiting so as to book the tickets inadvance.

182.    It took Jane three hours to sort out herstamps.
a.    Jane spent three hours to sort out herstamps.
b.    Jane sorted out her stamps in threehours.
c.    Jane spent on three hours sorting herstamps.
d.    Jane took three hours to sort out herstamps.

183.    He was given a chance to stay on at thisgarage.
a.    They gave a chance him to stay on at thisgarage.
b.    They gave him to a chance to stay on at thisgarage.
c.    Someone gave him a chance to stay on at thisgarage.
d.    A chance gave him to stay on at thisgarage.

184.    He made a great discovery. He was very proud ofit.
a.    He was very proud of what he made a greatdiscovery.
b.    He took pride in making a greatdiscovery.
c.    He was interested in a greatdiscovery.
d.    He was very proud of he made a greatdiscovery.

185.    I’m sorry I missed your birthdayparty.
a.    I wish I had missed your birthdayparty.
b.    I wish I didn’t miss your birthdayparty.
c.    I wish I missed your birthdayparty.
d.    I wish I had attended your birthdayparty.

186.    “You’d better put your money in the bank. ” Isaid.
a.    I advised him to put his money in thebank.
b.    I advised to put his money in thebank.
c.    I advised his money to be put in thebank.
d.    I advised he’d better put his money in thebank.

187.    He prefers playing golf toswimming.
a.    He would rather playing golf thanswimming.
b.    He would rather play golf toswim.
c.    He would rather play golf thanswim.
d.    He would rather play golf thanswimming.

188.    The bag was so heavy that she couldn’t carry itupstairs.
a.    The bag was too heavy for her to carry itupstairs.
b.    The bag was so heavy for her to carryupstairs.
c.    The bag was heavy enough for her to carryupstairs.
d.    The bag was too heavy for her to carryupstairs.

189.    It’s hard to concentrate when you aretired.
A.    The more tired you are, it’s harder toconcentrate.
B.    When you are tired, the harder it is toconcentrate.
C.    The most tired you are, the hardest it is toconcentrate. 
D.    The more tired you are,  the harder it is toconcentrate

190.    After twenty-five years of hard work, he made a decision toretire.
A.He made a decision to retire after he had worked hard for twenty-five years.
B.    He made a decision to retire after his hard work for twenty-fiveyears.
C.    He has been working hard for twenty-five years before heretired.
D.    After he worked hard in twenty-five years , he made a decision torerite.

191.    My father hasn’t smoked for threeyears.
A.    My father didn’t smoke from 3years.
B.    My father stopped smoking 3 yearsago.
C.    My father stopped to smoke for threeyears.
D.    My father stopped to smoke 3 yearsago.

192.    The moon doesn’t have the atmosphere, neither does the planetsMars.
A.    Neither the moon or the planet Mars has theatmosphere.
B.    Either the moon nor the planet Mars has theatmosphere.
C.    Neither the moon nor the planet Mars has theatmosphere.
D.    Either the moon or the planet Mars has theatmosphere.

193.    Miss Maria is looking for a job as asecretary.
A.    It was Miss Maria who is looking for a job as asecretary.
B.    It is Miss Maria who is looking for a job as asecretary.
C.    It was Miss Maria who is being looked for a job as asecretary.
D.    It is Miss Maria who is looking for asecretary.

194.    No one in our class can speak English as fluently as Mai.
A.    Mai speaks English more fluently than no one in ourclass.
B.    Mai is the worst English speaker in ourclass.
C.    Mai speaks English as fluently as other people in ourclass.
D.    Mai speaks English the most fluently in ourclass.

195.    An old woman saw him break into thebuilding.
A.    He was seen to break into the building by an oldwoman.
B.    He was seen break into the building by an oldwoman.
C.    He was seen to have broken into the building by an oldwoman.
D.    He was seen to be broken into the building by an oldwoman.

196.    I haven’t gone to the cinema for tenyears.
A.    It’s ten years I haven’t gone to thecinema.
B.    It was ten years ago I went to thecinema.
C.    The last time I went to the cinema was tenyears.
D.    I last went to the cinema ten yearsago.

197.    He described the accident as if he    .
A.    saw it with his owneyes
B.    had seen it with his owneyes
C.    sees it with his owneyes
D.    has seen it with his owneyes

198.    They say that the visitors were killed byterrorists.
A.    It is said that the visitors were killed byterrorists.
B.    The visitors are said to have killed byterrorists.
C.    The visitors are said to have been killed byterrorists.
D.    A & C are correct. arecorrect.

199.    “Where were you spending your holidays?” Janet askedus.
A.    Janet asked us where we had been spending ourholidays.
B.    Janet asked us that where we were spending ourholidays.
C.    Janet asked us where you were spending yourholidays.
D.    Janet asked us where were we spending ourholidays

200.    He wore glasses and a false beard sothat    .
A.    anyone can recognizehim
B.    no one could recognizehim
C.    no one can recognizehim
D.    no one couldn’t recognizehim

------THE END------

Câu ĐA Câu ĐA Câu ĐA Câu ĐA

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